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Ladies First – HoneyTraps – Thursday, Oct 3rd , 7:00/7:45/8:30 PM
(door & reception at 6:30 PM)











KGB Espionage Museum

245 W 14th St, New York, NY 10011 (between 7th & 8th Aves)

1, 2, 3, A, C, L, and Path Trains to 14th Street

Tickets $25 - $100


In its seventh season, this year’s all-female cast/female produced Ladies First series centers its theme around female spies (honey traps) and their tactics through times, cultures and socio-political contexts.


The production follows Ladies First’s signature four-part formula, which includes a reception, an award ceremony, a performance and an after-party. This year, the performance portion will be an installation, complementing the museum setting. The performance will be staged throughout the museum, with the performers strategically placed in their positions and incorporated into the context. The museum curator, Agne Urbaityte, will act as a guide, and will lead the audience from one performance spot to the next. The audience is invited to walk around and get close to the performers and learn about some of the artifacts in the museum. Chairs will be provided for those visitors who need to be seated.


The performance will last about 45 minutes and will occur three times during the evening: at 7:00 PM, 7:45 PM and 8:30 PM. The audience members can enter at any time after 6:30 PM and stay as long as they want, assuming there is space. VIP ticket holders will receive a free gift and a complimentary after-party cocktail.


The roster of artists include Lynn Bechtold, Hai-Ting Chinn, Megan Curet, Jennifer DeVore, Lola Harney, Milica Paranosic, Erin Rogers, Mioi Takeda, Agne Urbaityte, Anna Veismane, Ann Warren, and others, who will be reflecting on spy stories of Josephine Baker, Anna Chapman, Judith Coplon, Mata Hari, Vera Pešić, and others, through music, spoken word and dance performances.

The (secret) lady of honor will be presented an award made by artist Cecilia Mandrile in a festive award ceremony, following the Russian spy-themed reception, which will take place at 6:30 PM.


The afterparty will take place at The Crooked Knife, 232 W 14th Street, NYC 10011 (also between 7th and 8th Aves).



Contact - Milica Paranosic, +1-212-203-6163



ADDRESS (offices)


281 West 119th street

Suite 5A

New York NY 10026

ADDRESS (Event Venue)

KGB Espionage Museum

245 W 14th St, New York, NY 10011 (between 7th & 8th Aves)

1, 2, 3, A, C, L, and Path Trains to 14th Street

Tickets $25 - $100


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